Muskoka Mojito

We love Mojitos and we love Muskoka! But what we love most is how easy “The Press“ makes it to enjoy these delicious cocktails on the dock this summer! Try it yourself! But remember water on the water, beer on the pier!


Serves 12


12 Limes

2 bunches of Mint Leaves 

1 1/2 cups of Simple Syrup 

24 ounces of Light Rum 


Fizzy Water 


  • Press the limes in “The Press”. Pour the juice into a large pitcher. Keep half of these limes for later!
  • Add the simple syrup and rum and mix it up!
  • Cut the remaining limes into quarters and add two to each glass.
  • Add a handful of mint leaves to each – Use a spoon (or a muddler) to smash these leaves into the lime wedges to release the mint flavour.
  • Fill each glass with ice, then add your lime rum mixture to each!
  • Top it up with fizzy water.


*Vintage Tip*: Never buy simple syrup, it's just equal parts sugar and water! You can make your own easily by adding one cup of boiling water to two cups of sugar, stir it around until all the sugar crystals have disappeared. Then one cup of cold water to equalise! Voila!

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